Jake Calvert Ride results

Last weekend’s Jake Calvert Benefit ride was a success, judging by the turnout. I don’t have any numbers, but it looked like at least as good a crowd as last year.

The weather cooperated nicely, especially considering the soggy pattern we’ve been in, and the roads were all they were touted to be (I ride most of these roads regularly, so I had no reason to be surprised). If you didn’t come, you missed a great ride!

One thing I wrestle with is the idea of driving somewhere to ride my bike. This ride was close enough to home (not quite 20km, or about 12 miles) that I decided to “ride to the ride”. I thought that doing the 80-km/50-mile ride, plus 20 km back and forth, would be a stretch, but it would be doable. Turns out that on latter part of the 2nd loop I was getting pre-cramp indications, and decided to remain on the “home” side of the Saluda river. Still made a 102 km (63 mile) ride out of it, which is my longest of the season.

A good time was had by all, and I’m sure we raised a chunk of money for Jake:

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