Fixing a Grumman Fuel Tank Leak
How I Spent My Summer Vacation

Day 2

These pictures show the progress as of the end of the second day. There really isn't a lot to tell here, except that more scraping took place.

Bottom/aft of the spar. This area is pretty well cleaned up now, but there's still a glob of sealant under the spar in the dark corner where the droplight don't shine.
Top/aft of the spar. Looking pretty good except for the glob above the spar. The edges of the sealant that wasn't being replaced during this project (in this picture, extending off to the left) were beveled in accordance with the maintenance manual.
Bottom/forward area of the spar.
Top/forward of the spar. Visible are the fuel cap opening and vent line. Not visible is the glob of sealant above the spar.
Here's one of my most favorite tank-scraping tools: my good friend Bruce. I'd have to say this was the easiest tool to use.
Next: Day 3
