Monthly Archives: August 2020

Creature Feature 2020 #3

I’m still here. Like I’m sure is the case for all of y’all, things have been a bit “abbynormal” lately.
Anyway, with a rare day off (if I didn’t take some time off, I was probably going to end up yelling at someone), I decided to get out on the lake first thing.
My favorite time of day, early morning:

There are some flowers that only come out early in the day. These remind me of morning glories, if they aren’t:

The early morning light made this fallen piece of tree really stand out:

I saw a lot of these white splotches on leaves in a couple places around the lake. I suspect they’re insect egg cases, perhaps one of those species that hatches and drops into the water to start life there:

There wasn’t a lot of bird activity visible. As we push towards late summer, the breeding season is mostly over, the kids have grown (boy, do they ever grow fast), and things have settled down to a more relaxed pace. If being a bird is ever “relaxed”.
It is, however, definitely the season of the spider. They’ve had time to grow big, and as they get big, so do their webs:

Obligatory Great Blue Heron picture, heading off into the fog:

Here’s a little better Great Blue Heron picture. A lot easier to catch them when they’re standing still, especially if the lighting isn’t great: