Monthly Archives: June 2024

Creature Feature 2024 #1

I’ve been busy lately, but that hasn’t stopped me from noticing the world around me and occasionally whipping out the camera. Here’s some random pictures from the last couple of months.

This little snake was patrolling around the house:

Deer end up on the side of the road with distressing regularity around here, but we do have efficient cleanup crews.

This patch of spring flowers attracted lots of butterflies:

Even this Green Anole was showing a fresh “coat” for spring:

The cicada rush is about over here now, but for a while we had a lot of these “cicada shell casings” hanging around:

Now this is a “bloomin’ onion”! There’s a bumble bee under that left-hand bloom having a ball (my front yard is more “meadow” than “lawn”, and I like it that way):

I’ve seen Tomato Hornworm caterpillars like this, but not one of these caterpillars. Those white things are the eggs of a parasitic wasp that is a friend to our tomato plants.

On the lake early one morning, I got way closer than usual to this Heron before I saw him. I wondered if he was ok, but I came back this way about half an hour later and he was gone, so maybe he was just waking up (the obligatory Great Blue Heron picture).