Keep calm and carry on

Last week my employer sent me out to the far coast to assist on a project, so I haven’t had a chance to do much photography, or anything else, lately. There is, however, one thing I’d like to share.

I’ve mentioned a couple of recent encounters I’ve had with people who have inspired me by their persistence through what can easily be called tragedy. My Sister caring for her terminally-ill husband, and the cyclists who rode the 62-mile Flight of the Dove pedaling with their hands and arms and who finished before I did. These sorts of stories seem to be all around us.

I had the opportunity to meet a co-worker in person who I had heard was having vision issues. I didn’t realize the extent of the issues: this person now uses a cane and is on track to get a guide dog. And yet, they are still a very capable and valued member of our team. That someone can encounter this kind of life-changing event, and continue to work and, at least in our encounters, seem to not be slowed down by it, is inspiring to me. I’m sure they’re dealing with many resulting issues, but what I see is, again, a perseverance and fortitude that I’m not sure I could ever match. I am encouraged when I see these people successfully dealing problems like this.

Oh, here’s one picture I did get on the trip:

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