Return to Davidson River

With a couple days off and realizing that I hadn’t been to the mountains in a while, I grabbed a campsite reservation at Davidson River, NC.

Did a little “hike in” (I’m still practicing for a real backpacking trip), and set up camp.

Dinner at the River View restraunt.

My full day there started with breakfast at dawn, my favorite time of day.

This is why I like to get an early start. I was off to travel the Sycamore Cove, Grassy Road, Thrift Cove, and added on for good measure, the Andy Cove nature trail.

Some of these trails, it’s best to not look up, contrary to the usual advice. Instead, just keep moving and you’ll get to the top and you can then look down.

Then again, there are places where maybe you shouldn’t look down either.

I have no idea what this little figure was doing here. Seems like the sort of thing that would have a story behind it.

I know some of my relatives think I’m crazy (well, ok, that’s a well-establish fact) with my mountain biking, but the tracks here indicate that some people go way past what I’ll attempt.

or what I’ll ride

I wanted to show that the river keeps operating after dark, but evidently my night vision is better than my phone’s.

After that it was time to roost. When you’re outdoors and eschewing artificial light, 7pm looks a lot like 10pm and I had no problem getting to sleep right after dark. Might be my avian side.
The next day I “hiked out” on the North Slope trail. There are a couple of bridges that just look precarious.

When I stopped for a break, I noticed this plant. Nature is always preparing for the Next Thing. Even though winter is just getting going, there were little buds forming. Or maybe it’s climate change.

Now let’s see, what’s the rule of thumb about which side of the tree moss grows on? Oh yeah, the top.

This plant with the red stem stood out in the sun.

Then it was time to head back to civilization, job, tax notices, insurance, … sigh.
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